Are your cigarettes tasting a bit harsh lately? Are you coughing more than usual?
Most likely, it's the tar.
If you smoke filtered cigarettes, the filter tip does little more than keep tobacco out of your mouth. They do little to filter out the bitter, staining tar.
Let's change that, starting this week.
I've created, in my humble opinion, the best cigarette filter EVER!
It's a 3-stage filter that prevents 90% of the tar from entering your mouth and lungs.
But it does not reduce the flavor or the nicotine one bit.
We tested it on many long-term smokers who agree that the AT470 3rd Generation filter:
· Eliminates disgusting tar
· Does not diminish the flavor
· Provides a smoother hit, not as rough
· It has the same draw as without a filter
· More comfortable in your mouth
· No more stained fingers or lips
Depending on the brand, it will filter around five cigarettes. Drop it back in the pack for the next one. It stays clean and won't leak.
But none of this matters unless you try one. Let me send you 3 to try for your self. All I ask is that you pay for the shipping, just $4.95.
If you love them and order one of our packs, I'll ship it for free and give you a discount that's worth your while. Just hit the order button below.
Yes! I want to Try the Anti Tar 3rd Generation Filter.
It's to enjoy the pleasures of smoking without that nasty tar or hacking cough when you light up.
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